Tree felling services in Cheshire and the North West

Tree felling isn’t as easy as Hollywood films made you think. If anything, when performed by untrained people, it can result in cartoon-style disasters!

As fully qualified and insured tree surgeons, we’re trained and experienced in tree felling, always able to carry it out in the safest and tidiest way.

One of our tree surgeons performing tree felling services in the North West

What is tree felling?

Tree felling (or tree removal) simply consists of cutting down a tree that’s diseased or no longer safe and manageable.

If there’s a chance to save your tree we’d always recommend pruning it in order to try and preserve it. However, in some cases, tree felling is indeed the safest and wisest choice.

For example, its roots could cause problems to the foundation of a building, it could constitute a hazard after being damaged by a strong storm, or a diseased tree could spoil the soil with bacteria that would compromise the growth of future plants.

One of our tree surgeons performing tree felling services in the North West

The types of tree removal services that we offer

We offer two main types of tree felling services depending on its location:

  • Straight tree felling or clear felling, which is the removal of the whole tree as a single unit, can only be carried out if it doesn’t pose any risks to nearby properties, elements and people;

  • Section felling or sectional dismantling, on the contrary, is required if the tree is too close to a building or if it could cause any type of harm to the public. In that case, we’ll remove it in sections.

Tree stump obtained after our tree felling services in Cheshire

What is the best season for felling a tree in Cheshire and the North West?

If you wish to preserve a part of it or for it to grow back, the best season for felling a tree is late winter/early spring. However, if you want to have it completely removed, any time of the year is good.

Actually, the sooner the better if the tree poses a safety hazard or is diseased!

Get in touch about tree felling services to receive a free, no-obligation quote